5 workarounds to use, when no one applies for the academic vacancies in your kindergarten

Back Despite the large number of graduates from the faculties of education, the number of accredited teachers for kindergartens is noticeably few, which leads to a shortage of specialized teachers, especially in areas that suffer from a lack of funding. Experts find out that too many non-academic tasks a teacher is being asked to do… Continue reading 5 workarounds to use, when no one applies for the academic vacancies in your kindergarten

Visiting Classrooms in Kindergarten casually; is it OK?

Back Is it ok for a kindergarten principal to visit classrooms informally; Just to find out what’s going on inside classrooms? Certainly! Visiting the classroom is a great way to get to know the teachers and children and see what is happening in kindergarten on a daily basis. However, you should be aware of some… Continue reading Visiting Classrooms in Kindergarten casually; is it OK?

10 tips make you a principal accepted by parents of kindergarten-aged students and enjoy their confidence to communicate with

Back Parents of kindergarten-aged kids may feel apprehensive about communicating with kindergarten administrators, and in many cases are reluctant to deal with them comfortably and are afraid to ask them questions or even express their concerns. The problem with this is that as a director of a kindergarten, you need to know all observations of… Continue reading 10 tips make you a principal accepted by parents of kindergarten-aged students and enjoy their confidence to communicate with